Saturday, January 28, 2006


I've really got the crowd worked up now! Posted by Picasa


Kuala Lumpur . . .are you ready to rock! . . I said . . .are you ready . . .to . . . rock! Posted by Picasa


Yep, I'm Australian . . but I can play a Brit if I wrap this Union Jack around me! Posted by Picasa


And then I'll show you the on the other side we sewed on the flag of the country we happen to be in tonight . . .that always gets a big cheer! Posted by Picasa


A real diva "queen" Posted by Picasa


"Freddie" and the band, rocking out! Posted by Picasa


"Rockin" makes him thirsty Posted by Picasa


Sweaty Freddie was pretty good, even though he was about 10 years too old. An incredible simulation Posted by Picasa


The Hilton Grand Ballroom was packed Posted by Picasa


We will, we will rock you!

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